It begins with a class
Classes and methods are the fundamental building blocks of metz. A class gets rendered as a box, and its methods as smaller boxes inside it. The only methods that are skipped are private ones.
A method can call other methods, from the same class, as well as others and that call gets rendered as a line between the caller and callee boxes.
And that’s it. It’s that simple!
But let’s create a hello world program, just to drive the point home. And also because what kind of tutorial doesn’t have a hello world?!
And here’s the code for it:
Notice that the comments and input/output types also get rendered.
So it’s not just a dumb box. It has other essential properties that help us understand the component at a glance.
class.So, we have a class and and some methods. But what do we do with it? Who is instantiating it and running the code?
Let’s answer that in the next section with Stories.